Hauptursachen des Alterns Aging

The 12 Main Causes of Aging

exhaustion of stem cells

Summary: Stem cell exhaustion and beLIVELY Vita

  • Stem cell depletion : Decrease in the number and functionality of stem cells, leading to reduced tissue regeneration and maintenance.

  • Aging process due to stem cell depletion : Leads to a decrease in the body's ability to renew and maintain tissue. Increases the risk of various age-related diseases.

Combating with beLIVELY Vita :

  • Hyaluronic Acid: Supports cell migration and proliferation, thereby improving stem cell function and fatigue.
  • Glycine : Supports cellular health and may reduce oxidative stress in stem cells.
  • Alpha-ketoglutarate : Promotes energy production and may improve the differentiation and lifespan of stem cells.

Stem cell exhaustion and its connection to aging

Stem cells are essential for the regeneration and repair of tissues in the body. They have the unique ability to differentiate into different cell types and are crucial for maintaining tissue homeostasis. However, over the course of life, stem cells experience a natural decline in their number and functionality, a process called stem cell exhaustion. This exhaustion is one of the main reasons for the age-related decline in tissue regeneration and can contribute to the development of various age-related diseases.

As we age, stem cells become increasingly dysfunctional or die. This causes the body's ability to replace damaged or dead cells to decrease significantly. The reduction in the stem cell population and their declining functionality leads to poorer tissue renewal and maintenance. This not only affects overall tissue health but also increases the risk of age-related diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders.

Combating stem cell exhaustion with beLIVELY Vita

beLIVELY Vita contains specific ingredients that support stem cell health and can help minimize the effects of their depletion:

  • Hyaluronic acid: By promoting cell migration and proliferation, hyaluronic acid can support the function of stem cells and this helps prevent their exhaustion. This contributes to maintaining the regenerative capacity of tissues ( R ).

  • Glycine : This amino acid is known to support overall cellular health and may play an important role in maintaining stem cell function. Glycine may contribute to the synthesis of glutathione, an important antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and may increase stem cell viability.

  • Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) : AKG is an important metabolite in the Krebs cycle that plays a central role in cellular energy metabolism. AKG can promote the differentiation of stem cells and improve their ability to divide and renew. It also has the potential to extend the lifespan of stem cells and increase their functionality.

This combination of ingredients in beLIVELY Vita can help combat the negative effects of stem cell depletion and support overall tissue health and regeneration.

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